Programmatically Download Latest Release from GitHub Repo
Programmatically download the latest release from a GitHub Repo without having to hardcode the version or use separate API calls
Programmatically download the latest release from a GitHub Repo without having to hardcode the version or use separate API calls
Migrating NuGet packages stored in GitHub Packages from one instance to another
Migrating NuGet packages stored in GitHub Packages from one instance to another
Using the GitHub Checks API to report the status of another workflow back to the pull request for gating purposes
Delete GitHub repositories programmatically from a CSV file
The different options available for migrating repos to GitHub or any other Git provider
Enforce that each commit in a pull request has AB# in the commit message and link all of the work items to the pull request
Add users to a GitHub org team programmatically from a CSV file
A video describing the features of GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS), features, and some tips and tricks for configuring and interpreting the results along the way.
Using Dependabot to keep Actions in GitHub Actions Workflows up to date, including how this works for custom private/internal actions within an organization